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JOSEPH “JAZZ” DIMINICK MALE SCHOLAR ATHLETE T.J. Heromin is another in a long line of Joseph Jazz Diminick Scholar Athletes…

JOSEPH D. WASILEWSKI FEMALE SCHOLAR ATHLERE Emily Skonecki is another fine student athlete at Mount Carmel Area who has managed…

SAINT PAULINE VISINTAINER SCHOLARSHIP In addition to fulfilling all of the traits needed for the Visintainer Scholarship, Jen Kalinowski is…

SAINT PAULINE VISINTAINER SCHOLARSHIP Another of the deserving Pauline Visintainer Scholars is Carissa Zimmerman, a senior at Our Lady of…

SAINT PAULINE VISINTAINER SCHOLARSHIP Mother Pauline, the namesake of this scholarship, was a person who spent her life devoted to…

JAMES M. BACH SCHOLAR ATHLETE AWARD The 2010 recipient of the James M. Bach Scholar Athlete Award is Joseph Gownley.…

SPECIAL RECOGNITION Ahmad Abuomar has grown as a football player as much as anyone ever has at MCA. He began…

SPECIAL RECOGNITION Trevor Demko has twice distinguished himself by being named to the Associated Press All State Football Team. As…
SPECIAL RECOGNITION The Hall would like to take this opportunity to recognize Joe Jatko for his years of unselfish service…

SPECIAL RECOGNITION The 1962 Mount Carmel Catholic High School Anthracite Catholic Conference Championship football team will forever be recognized as…

INDUCTEE “Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to WKMC-TV, broadcasting from the Silver Bowl on the campus of the…

INDUCTEE Mount Carmel’s pile-driving fullback, Norb Bonjo, certainly did everything to live up to his description. When called upon by…

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