Use Your Local Library

Obtaining A Library Card
All residents in the Mount Carmel Area School District can get a Free library card.
Cards for patrons under 14 years of age will need a parent or guardian signature.
Name and Address
Identification with proof of address*
Date of birth
Current Phone number.
[*Current ID can be a driver’s license, state issued ID, a military ID, or a passport. Proof of address can be a current driver’s license, current utility bill or an other piece of official mail, a lease or purchase agreement, a checkbook with name and address imprinted, a student (K-12) report card or a school ID.]
Resident Library Cards are issued for three years.
Replacing a lost card: $7.00
New Patrons are restricted to one (1) DVD and two (2) books at a time for a period of 2 months.
Checking Out Materials
Books and Audio Books: 2 weeks
DVDs: 2 days [You must be 18 years old and a patron in good standing to take out DVDs.]
Need more time? Please ask.
May renewed by calling (570) 339-0703 during library hours or at our Circulation Desk.
Please return books to the Service Desk or dropped in our Book Drop Box.
DVDs must be returned to the Service Desk only
*No Fines

How Can I Help Support The Library?
Our Library depends on the support of our Community, donors, patrons and volunteers. You can choose to help us in any or all of these methods.
All Monetary donations are fully tax deductible.