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- 1989 Hall of Fame

SCHOLAR ATHLETE Elaine Gustus is an excellent choice to continue the excellent tradition of our student athletes. She ranks 32…

INDUCTEE Joe Greco, Jr., was one of the leaders in the “First Wave” of great Joe Diminick teams. AS a…

INDUCTEE Jim Darrup received 15 varsity letters in a brilliant high school athletic career at Mount Carmel High School. He…

INDUCTEE Aldo started his high school athletic career as a promising freshman football player under Coaches George Kavel and Joe…

INDUCTEE A special hallmark of Jazz Diminick Teams has always been the great breakaway back, the homerun hitter who helps…

INDUCTEE Mike “Sugar” Lashendock was the outstanding Quarterback and Team Leader of Kulpmont High School’s last great athletic dynasty before…

INDUCTEE Louis Kleman was an outstanding athlete at Mount Carmel Township High School in football, basketball and baseball in the…

INDUCTEE The Syracuse University Varsity Club honored John Hordines at a ceremony in the Carrier Dome in September 1985. The…

INDUCTEE Kitty Boyer was born to shoot. The first time Penn State Football Coach, Joe Paterno, saw Ted Kwalick the…

INDUCTEE In mid-September 1932, a meeting took place which changed athletic picture at Mount Carmel Catholic High School. Father James…

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