Ray W. Rothermel
- Post by: mcalibrary
- January 11, 2024
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In 1965, Ray would break the Mount Carmel Cross Country course record by 8 seconds in running a 12:03 over the 2.3 mile course. The old record had been established 16 years earlier by the famous Lowthert twins from Pottsville. Ray would also establish a new District IV record in winning the first-ever individual District championship in MCA history: running a 12.40 over the 2.4 mile course at Bloomsburg. That MCA team would also win the new Valley League Championship and the District IV Team Championship for only the second time in school history: the other being the 1940 team. The “65 team, under legendary coach Gerald Breslin, would go on to finish 10th in the state at the PIAA Championships at State College. Remember, that there were no classes at that time, making the accomplishment that more significant. Ray’s XC teams would go 26-3 during his 3 years as a harrier.
Ray would also establish a new District IV record in the two mile, posting a 10:03 in 1967. Ray would also anchor the 2-mile relay team of Nicoletti, Brennan, and Butkera, establishing a new school while winning the District IV Championship in 1966. That year found Ray also qualifying for the state meet in the mile. Over the course of his career, Ray would be a five-time state qualifier in both track and XC and would be elected to Captain both teams as a senior.
After returning to Mount Carmel, Rothermel would coach the cross country team from 1978-1984, with his best finish in 1982 with a 10-1 record. Their only loss that season was at the hands of Blue Mountain, a team that had not lost a dual meet in a number of years. Ray had done so well, as to have 2 bus loads of students attend the match with Blue Mountain – a definite first for the sport at MCA. Ray also started girls running at MCA in 1979, and was able to see the start of the Girls League in 1984. His team went 9-1, losing only to Tamaqua by one point.
Ray is Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of North Carolina with a degree in Chemistry . He would earn a B.S. in Educations from Bloomsburg University and eventually would teach Chemistry at MCA until 1984. At that time, Rothermel left to take over his father’s business at the Willard A. Rothermel Funeral Home.
Ray and his wife Linda K. have lived and worked in Mount Carmel their whole lives and are the proud parents of a daughter, Dr Lori Rothermel, and a son, Detective Ray Rothermel.