Eric Jepko
- Post by: mcalibrary
- January 11, 2024
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Eric Jepko of Mount Carmel has been named the second-ever recipient of the Saint Pauline Visintainer Scholarship award by the Bob Greco family. Eric is a senior at Mount Carmel Area High School and has qualified for the award by participating in athletics, by participating in activities that benefit his community, and by showing strong Christian Leadership and participating in some type of church related activity.
Eric has been a four-year member of the Mount Carmel Area football team and was a part of the 7th District Championship in school history in 2008. Eric was a wide receiver, and, although he didn’t play as much as he would have liked, was a very important part of the success of the Red Tornadoes. His dedication was evident in the he never missed a practice and was committed to the weight room. It was truly refreshing to find an athlete that did put his team first.
Jepko also enjoys being a part of the Interact Club at MCA. He felt that it allowed him to help those less fortunate and was very glad to be able to make someone else smile. He was involved with the food drive at Thanksgiving and helped to collect toys for the needy children at Christmas. He also was very active in collecting food for the animals at the Hillside SPCA.
Eric was also a very active participant in a project with the Mount Carmel Area Rotary Club in the downtown tree-planting project on Oak Street in October. Eric, very enthusiastically and with the help of some of his teammates, showed up early on a Saturday morning after a game, and helped with the planting of 22 new tress to help beautify the downtown.
As a member of Divine Redeemer Church in Mount Carmel, Eric has helped on many occasions with the parish picnics and festivals. He has also been very involved with the Relay for Life and is committed to remembering those who have lost their battles with cancer. He and his family have called on Mother Pauline for help when his sister was battling her own cancer when she was only four years old. His sister, Jessica, is now 22 years old and doing very well. Eric believes totally in the powers of Mother Pauline and her spiritual connections to the world, and is especially grateful for the gift she has given to his own family.
Eric plans to attend the Pennsylvania College of Technology to major in HVAC. He is the son of Kathy and David Jepko of Mount Carmel.