SCHOLAR ATHLETE Our scholar athlete for ’86 compiled some terrific statistics, both academically and athletically. Joe ranks Number 1 in his class of 138, with an average of 97.8 in all subjects. He scored 1600 in his college boards, for which he received a letter of Recognition from the P.H.E.A.A. He was a Hugh O’Brien ambassador- and award given in recognition of outstanding scholarship and student leadership of both the National Honor Athletic Society and the National Honor Society. He has been a member of Student Council for 4 years. He was also President of the Key Club, a service organization, for 1985 and 1986. He was no shrinking violet athletically, either. He lettered 3 years for the tornado football team, which he captained the last year. He was voted first team linebacker on the all Susquehanna Valley Conference Team; and was a Big 33 nominee on two different occasions. He also won both the Len Eshmont and the Bobby Pizzoli Awards. He’s a 4-year letter winner in track. He won letters in wrestling as a freshman and sophomore; but a shoulder injury prevented him from wrestling afterwards. High School Principle Rich Beiershmitt called Joe, “A silent leader, a hard worker, and terrific role model.”
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Joe Palovick
- December 15, 2023
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