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- 2015 Hall of Fame

JOSEPH “JAZZ” DIMINICK MALE SCHOLAR ATHLETE This year’s recipient of the Joseph Jazz Diminick Male Scholar Athlete Award is Lee…

JOSEPH D. WASILEWSKI FEMALE SCHOLAR ATHLETE Jennifer Bolick joins big sister Heather Bolick (2012) as the only sisters ever to…

SAINT PAULINE VISINTAINER SCHOLARSHIP This year’s recipient of the St Pauline Visintainer Scholarship is Glenn Barwicki. The recipient must have…

MICHAEL FRANCIS MYCHAK TORNADO HERITAGE AWARD Isabella Stellar has been selected as the second-ever winner of the Mychak Tornado Heritage…

RUSS AND JO ANN CESARI SCHOLARSHIP Christian Kelley fits perfectly into the criteria established by Russ and Jo Ann Cesari…

SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT The hall would like to recognize Zack Tocyloski on the achievement of reaching 1000 points during his basketball…

SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT On Saturday, December 10, 1994, Mike Boyer, Joel Gonzalo, Corey Hepler, Eric Higgins, Mike Higgins, Shawn Jayman, Joe…

INDUCTEE Whenever athletics at Mount Carmel Area High School are discussed, coaching legends Joe Jazz Diminick and Gerald Breslin are…

INDUCTEE Everyone believes that you have to get your kids involved in athletics at a young age in order to…

INDUCTEE Edward Kupchick is one of those athletes who stood out among his peers and has had to wait a…

INDUCTEE Coming out of small Mount Carmel Catholic High School, Frank Luchnick had no idea as to the part he…

INDUCTEE It is hard to believe that it has been 30 years since Margot Guinan McDonnell starred at MCA, both…

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